The Special Green Plant
Mukesh Kumar
| 25-04-2023

· Plant Team
When people think of rosemary, they often associate it with essential oil and its use in recipes. However, not many know about the plant itself. In this brief introduction to rosemary, we will explore its unique characteristics and uses.
Rosemary is a natural spice plant with various benefits. Every part of the plant, including its flowers, stems, and leaves, can be used to extract natural aromatic oil. Its Latin name "Rosmarinus" is derived from the words "dew" (Ros) and "sea" (Marinus), as it is known for its exceptional drought tolerance and often needs only moisture from the sea to survive.
Rosemary thrives in hot weather with adequate sunlight, proper fertilization, and good ventilation. In spring and autumn, you can easily propagate it by cutting about five to ten centimeters of rosemary and soaking the bottom end in water for about half a day. Removing the bottom 2-3 centimeters of leaves and applying rooting powder can improve the success rate, and within one to two weeks, the cutting will root and grow.
Some people worry that the scent of rosemary may be harmful to their health if inhaled too much. However, rosemary is not poisonous, and its aroma has a calming effect that can relieve nervousness and depression while enhancing memory. It also freshens the air and has a calming effect. In many Western countries, rosemary is often used as an accompaniment to gourmet cooking, adding a special flavor to Western cuisine.
Rosemary is a valuable natural spice plant that emits a refreshing scent during the growing season, which has a refreshing effect on the mind. Its stems, leaves, and flowers have a pleasant fragrance, and the flowers and shoots extract aromatic oils that can be used to formulate air cleaners, perfumes, soaps, and other cosmetic ingredients.
Moreover, rosemary has other health benefits, including:
Conditioning greasy skin and promoting blood circulation while stimulating hair regeneration and improving hair loss (pregnant women should avoid using rosemary). It is often used as a spice in Western cuisine, especially in steak, potatoes, and baked goods, with a sweet smell and flavor of pine and a bitter taste.
Rosemary has a calming effect while waking up the brain, making it effective for indigestion, and stomach pain, and treating insomnia, palpitations, headaches, and other ailments. It can also be used externally to treat trauma and arthritis. Crushing it and drinking it in boiling water can have a sedative and diuretic effect. Moreover, rosemary has the effect of strengthening the heart, promoting metabolism, and blood circulation in the peripheral blood vessels.
Rosemary has a certain bactericidal and antiviral effect. Placing a pot of rosemary indoors can greatly reduce bacteria and microorganisms, but it's best to keep the indoor environment well-ventilated. Rosemary needs a well-ventilated and adequately lit environment to grow, and long-term exposure to its fragrance in a closed environment can cause discomfort and dizziness.
Rosemary is an excellent natural spice plant with various benefits, including its calming effect, refreshing scent, and health benefits. It is a valuable addition to any garden, kitchen, or medicine cabinet.